Proverbs and Quotes about Fools

A fool at forty is a fool forever.
A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions
A fool gives; a wise man takes
A fool in a gown is none the wiser.
A Fool May Give a Wise Man Counsel
A fool uttereth all his mind.
A fool will laugh when he is drowning
A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client
A wise man doesn't need advice, and a fool won't take it.
Always in a hurry, always behind.
An ass loaded with books think himself a scholar.
Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain and most fools do
Better flatter a fool than fight him.
Better to meet a bear robbed of her cubs than a fool in his folly
Cheap is dear in the long run.
Children and fools tell the truth.
Due to the presence of fools, wise people stand out
Empty vessels make the most noise.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Fools and madmen speak the truth
Fools build houses, and wise men live in them
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Fools seldom differ
Fortune favors fools. Happy go lucky.
He That Teaches Himself has a Fool for his Master
He who won't be advised, can't be helped.
If the cap fits, wear it.
In one ear and out the other.
It can't happen here is number one on the list of famous last words.
It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
It is foolish to deal with a fool
One foolish sheep will lead the flock
One of these days is none of these days.
Penny wise and pound foolish
Pride cometh before a fall.
Pride feels no pain.
See nothing, say nothing, know nothing.
Stone is heavy and sand a burden, but provocation by a fool is heavier than both
The bigger they are the harder they fall.
The fool wanders, the wise man travels.
The hood does not make the monk.
The wise man is deceived once but the fool twice.
There is no fool like an old fool
Two fools in a house are too many
Use not today what tomorrow will need.
What's the good of home, if you are never in it?
You cannot lose what you never had.

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